Our popular Advent Calendar is back :-) We’ve worked with Jonathan Crossley to put together 24 exclusive tips, each illustrated by one of our videos. You’ll find a new one every day until Christmas Eve.
To make sure you don’t miss any, you can join our e-mail list below, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter, where we’ll be announcing them daily.
If you’re looking for a link to the Advent Calendar, that’s been taken down now we’re into 2016. Members can still get the tips (see entry above). If you’re not a member, you can join for over 100 tips and 7000+ videos!
Add your e-mail address in the box to join our list:
We respect your privacy. You can unsubscribe at any time.
23 November 2015
More new Foxtrot steps!
We’ve just updated our library with 5 more Slow Foxtrot steps. These new steps mean that members can now watch over 7,000 videos!
You’ll find the new steps linked below. As usual, members can log in for slow motion videos, individual partner views and 9 camera angles. If you haven’t joined yet, there's one free clip for every step too. We hope you enjoy the new videos.
We hope you’ve been enjoying the 11 Foxtrot steps we added recently, because we've just updated the site with 5 more!
Follow the links below to find them – members can log in to get 50+ videos for each step, including slow motion and 9 camera angles. If you haven’t joined yet, there’s a free sample clip for every step too (or if you want more, sign up today!)
This is a big day for us. As Ballroom Genie enters its third year, we are very pleased to announce that we now feature steps from all 5 of the standard ballroom dances. Our library now includes 11 Slow Foxtrot figures, with more to come over the next few days.
Read on for a peek behind the scenes at how Ballroom Genie is made, and to find out what Alexander and Irina thought of a very unusual day of dancing!
Ballroom Genie in the making
It takes a lot of time and work to get from deciding to film some more steps to adding the finished videos to the site. We thought we’d tell you a little bit about the filming.
Our dancers are filmed in a huge studio the size of a warehouse, with their every move tracked by over 100 cameras all around the room. Markers on the black suits allow the cameras to capture the movement with pinpoint accuracy.
The studio and its technology are more often used to make Hollywood films or major computer games, a fact that Alex particularly enjoyed:
“It was a really unusual experience and I really liked it… especially when you know that this is how they do a lot of movies, and you feel yourself really part of it.”
For a couple more used to performing in a tailsuit and glamorous dress in a beautiful ballroom, the studio and motion capture suits were a new experience. Irina wasn’t sure what to expect:
“In the beginning, I still didn’t quite understand what we were going to do. I saw somewhere in a TV programme how everything worked, but I couldn’t imagine how I’m going to do that! But when we were in the studio it was a great experience.”
It was a great day for us too, with the opportunity to complete our set of ballroom dances, and it was lovely working with Alex and Irina. We hope that you enjoy the new steps!
11 July 2015
New Waltz and Quickstep figures added
We’ve just updated the site with 8 new advanced Waltz and Quickstep figures – this time we’re focusing on spins and stationary figures. Follow the links below to find the new steps. If you’re a member, you can log in to find over 50 videos for every step, including slow motion, views of each partner individually, and 9 camera angles. If you’re not a member yet, you’ll find a free clip for each step too:
New Waltz steps added – we now have over 100 steps!
We’ve just updated our library with 7 new Waltz figures including some popular chassé and lock variations. This update brings our total to over 100 steps and more than 5,500 videos :-)
As usual, members get over 50 videos for each step including slow motion, views of each partner individually, and 9 camera angles. If you’re not a member yet, you’ll find a free clip for each step too, just click on the links.
25 May 2015
More steps just added, and a sneak preview of new updates on the way!
Sometimes, Ballroom Genie updates are like buses – you wait a while for one to arrive and then several come along at once. Well, you’ve been waiting for some time, we’ve been working very hard, and now we have no fewer than 7 different updates at various stages in our pipeline! The first one is now ready, and you’ll find links to 6 new steps below.
Breaking news!
From recording our dancers in the motion-capture studio to adding videos to the site is a long process. As part of that, we need to make a customized 3D model for each dancer to show their movement with as much accuracy and detail as possible. We’re excited to tell you that we’re currently working on new models because we have some amazing new professional dancers on board. We’ve already recorded some of their dancing and we’ll let you know much more about who they are and which new steps they’ve danced for you soon… :-)
The new steps: some Waltz telemark groups
Follow the links to find today’s new steps! As always, members have access to over 50 videos for every step, and there’s a free sample video for each one too.
Finally, there will be lots happening on this site in the next few weeks and months, and we don’t want you to miss anything! We always e-mail our members with the latest news, so if you’ve already joined, you’ll be among the first to know about every update. If you haven’t joined yet, there are a few ways you can find out when we add new steps to the site:
Join our e-mail list below to get links to new steps right in your inbox.
Like our Facebook page, which we update whenever we add something new.
This brings us to over 5,000 videos, covering 93 steps. As usual, members get over 50 videos for each step including slow motion, views of each partner individually, and 9 camera angles. If you’re not a member yet, you’ll find a free clip for each step too.
31 January 2015
New year, new steps!
We hope your new year of dancing has started well. We have many good things planned for the rest of 2015, and we’re starting with adding 5 new steps to our library. These are some fundamental Waltz figures and we hope you find them useful:
As usual, members get over 50 videos for each step including slow motion and 9 camera angles. If you’re not a member yet, there’s a free clip for each step too.
Also, members will now find all the expert tips from last year’s advent calendar next to the videos of the steps. See which steps have expert tips attached by looking at the steps page!